Friday, May 25, 2007

Forks of the Kern Guide Trip Summary

Kern River Outfitters completed its annual guide training trip on the Forks of the Kern this past week. The trip had its usual mixture of beauty and adrenaline and many lessons were well received by all of our guide staff. The trip is a great refresher for our Forks guides and also an excellent learning tool for training Forks guides or just any of our guides who want to see big water.

Oops. Catching some air on class V Carson Falls, Forks of the Kern:

The Forks season will be short this year, but we hope to get up there at least a couple of times before we switch our focus to the Lower Kern for the duration of the summer. So... if you want to do a Forks trip reserve your spot ASAP!

-Posted by Luth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fun trip. I can't wait for spring to come again.